My Favorite Movies
462 movies
At Five in the Afternoon
Plein soleil
Au revoir les enfants
Worst Movies of All Time
68 movies
One Million Years B.C.
Hay que educar a papá
Hay que matar a B.
Hormigas en la boca
My Favorite Mystery, Thriller & Suspense Movies
21 movies
The Stranger
Family Plot
The Asphalt Jungle
My Favorite Westerns
5 movies
Duel in the Sun
Gunfight at the OK Corral
The Searchers
My Favorite War Movies
11 movies
Signs of Life
Battleship Potemkin
The Burmese Harp
Popular Movies I Hate
140 movies
Pretty Woman
Breakfast at Tiffany's
The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring
My Favorite Asian Movies
30 movies
Lust, Caution
Letter from an Unknown Woman
Drunk on Women and Poetry
Zhou Yu's Train
Little Gems: Little Known Movies I've Discovered
134 movies
Welcome to the Sticks
Quiet Chaos
Let the Right One In
Conversations with My Gardener
mis películas españolas favoritas
28 movies
DarkBlueAlmostBlack (Dark Blue Almost Black)
Life Goes On
El destino se disculpa
mis films franceses favoritos
101 movies
Le Trou
The Wages of Fear
Paris, je t'aime
My Favorite Noir Movies
10 movies
Highway Pick-Up
Blood on the Streets
Murderous Maids
The Judge and the Assassin
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