Blaga's Lessons
- Original title
- Urotcite na Blagaaka
- Blaga's Lessons
- Year
- 2023
- Running time
- 114 min.
- Country
- Bulgaria
- Director
- Screenwriter
- Cast
- Music
- Cinematography
- Producer
- Co-production Bulgaria-Germany;
- Genre
- Drama | Old Age / Elderly
- Synopsis
- Blaga is a seventy-year-old recently widowed former teacher and a woman of firm morals. When telephone scammers con her out of the money that she had saved for her husband's grave, her moral compass slowly begins to lose its bearings.
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- Rankings Position
- Awards
2023: Satellite Awards: nominated to Motion Picture, International.2023: International Film Festival Karlovy Vary: 3 awards.2023: Gijón Film Festival: nominated to Best Film (Albar).
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