6 movies
The Murmuring Coast
The Battle of Algiers
Mortu Nega
Chronicle of the Burning Years
Conflicto de Irlanda del Norte
9 movies
Bloody Sunday
Hidden Agenda
The Crying Game
Conflicto árabe-israelí
8 movies
Paradise Now
Waltz with Bashir
Los desastres de la guerra
26 movies
Grave of the Fireflies
The Cranes are Flying
Paths of Glory
The Great War
De piratas
16 movies
The Crimson Pirate
Treasure Island
Captain Blood
The Sea Hawk
Gansters y mafiosos
23 movies
Once Upon a Time in America
The Godfather
The Godfather: Part II
The Sopranos (TV Series)
9 movies
Reservoir Dogs
The Departed
Donnie Brasco
Infernal Affairs
Entre rejas
14 movies
Birdman of Alcatraz
St. Michael Had a Rooster
A Prophet
The Shawshank Redemption
Pena de muerte
9 movies
A Short Film About Killing
The Story of Women
The Executioner
The Widow of Saint-Pierre
Cine en el cine
23 movies
Sunset Boulevard
What Ever Happened to Baby Jane?
The Bad and the Beautiful
La familia mata
25 movies
Dearest Relatives, Poisonous Relations
I Am Love
Black Bread
Winter's Bone
35 movies
The Last Picture Show
Picnic at Hanging Rock
Winter's Bone
Let the Right One In
Películas sobre profesores
22 movies
The Children's Hour
This Land is Mine
Not One Less
The Official Story
Fútbol y cine
6 movies
The Year My Parents Went on Vacation
Matías, juez de línea
My Family and Other Hooligans (Family United)
La Iglesia católica
3 movies
The Cardinal
The Priest
The Priest's Children
12 movies
The Magdalene Sisters
Beyond the Walls
La Religieuse (The Nun)
Mother Joan of the Angels
Gitanos en el cine
14 movies
Andjeo cuvar (Guardian Angel)
Black Cat, White Cat
Time of the Gypsies
I Even Met Happy Gypsies
Ser o no ser (judío)
14 movies
Mr. Klein
The Shop on Main Street
Black Book
Europa, Europa
La locura en el cine
16 movies
Peeping Tom
Shutter Island
L'enfer (Hell)
Cine y gastronomía
15 movies
Babette's Feast
Eat Drink Man Woman
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