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Final Destination

Horror After boarding an airplane destined for Paris, Alex Browning, a high school student going on his senior trip has a premonition about the plane exploding after takeoff. Scrared and freaked out, Alex tries to tell everyone about the explosion causing him to quarrel with a fellow student, Carter Horton which gets them both kicked off the plane. Along with them, Carter's girlfriend Terry who follows Carter, Alex's best friend Tod who gets ... [+]
Media Author Review
United Kingdom
"The good natured carnage is only occasionally let down by a bog-standard chase finale and a script that occasionally feels as though it's being delivered by Austin Powers' Basil Exposition.(…) Rating: ★★★★ (out of 5)" 
United States
The New York Times
"But even by the crude standards of teenage horror, 'Final Destination' is dramatically flat. Mr. Sawa's teenage clairvoyant is colorless and charisma-free" 
United States
"It has mordant humor, Rube Goldberg death traps and sophomoric but earnest discussions of fate. Also an opening sequence that assures this film will never, ever, be shown on an airplane. (…) Rating: ★★★ (out of 4)" 
United States
Den of Geek
"[It] is, in retrospect, pretty great (...) It’s not really scary, though. It’s insidious, it gets under your skin, but it’s not scary in the way we’re used to horror movies being scary." 
United States
"I stand in awe of 'Final Destination' - awe that a motion picture of such unmitigated stupidity could make it to the screen (…) Rating: ★ (out of 4)" 
United Kingdom
"This is far better than your regular fodder - a fun romp with some genuinely chilling shocks. (…) Rating: ★★★★ (out of 5)" 
United Kingdom
Time Out
"It's difficult to say which is more offensive: an uninspired cast struggling with lines about 'Death's design', or the callousness of the characters, who bury their pals without a hint of remembrance or regret" 
United States
"For a psycho horror fanatic like me, it's not as effective as popping in a Carpenter or Romero film, but for folks looking for a fun flick, this'll do. 
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