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Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker

Sci-Fi. Adventure. Fantasy. Action The surviving Resistance faces the First Order once more as Rey, Finn and Poe Dameron's journey continues. With the power and knowledge of generations behind them, the final battle commences.
Media Author Review
United States
The Hollywood Reporter
"On a popular level, it succeeds in a way that good escapist fiction always has (...) But there are nagging problems that, while evident in the previous two entries, have become more pronounced now." 
United States
"The most elegant, emotionally rounded, and gratifying 'Star Wars' adventure since the glory days of 'Star Wars' and 'The Empire Strikes Back.' (...) It’s a puckish and engrossing movie" 
United States
Screen Crush
'Despite its underwhelming ending, I’ve enjoyed a lot of the time I’ve spent in this galaxy. There’s a saying in 'Star Wars' that feels applicable here: “The journey is often more important than the destination.' 
United Kingdom
The Guardian
"There is epic action to savour and surprises and spoilers to spill, but given the long, long build-up, some of the saga’s big revelations and developments might be a little unsatisfying on reflection (…) Rating: ★★★ (out of 5)" 
United States
Vanity Fair
"[It] is too desperate to be loved to take any real risks (...) If you want some of the real good times of 'Star Wars' (...) you could just watch 'The Mandalorian'." 
United States
The New York Times
"[It] is one of the best [entries of the franchise] (...) Also one of the worst. Perfectly middling. It all amounts to the same thing." 
United States
Los Angeles Times
"A swift and vigorous entertainment, with a sense of forward momentum that keeps you watching despite several dubious plot turns and cheap narrative fakeouts. 
United Kingdom
"It looks gorgeous and offers strong performances from Driver and Ridley in particular, but ultimately the saga ends with neither a bang nor a whimper but something inbetween (…) Rating: ★★★ (out of 5)" 
United States
Rolling Stone
"A perfectly imperfect last chapter (...) Flaws and all, The Rise of Skywalker is part of our film history and, when Rey and Kylo seize the screen, an indelible part of our hearts (...) Rating: ★★★½ (out of 5)" 
United States
Entertainment Weekly
"We need a new franchise designation for this stumbling, bloodless conglomeration of What Once Was. 'Rise of the Skywalker' isn’t an ending, a sequel, a reboot, or a remix. It’s a zombie." 
United States
"Rather than making a movie some people might love, Abrams tried to make a movie no one would hate, and as a result, you don’t feel much of anything at all. " 
United States
"Feelings like joy and wonder are smothered by a movie that so desperately wants to please a fractured fanbase that it doesn’t bother with an identity of its own (...) ★★½ (out of 4)" 
United States
USA Today
"[It] concludes 'Star Wars' saga with splendor and disappointment (…) Rating: ★★½ (out of 4)" 
United States
"[It] is not devoid of fun, but all that razzle-dazzle can’t obscure a hollow core (...) [It] is always a visual marvel" 
United States
"A clunky and convoluted conclusion to this beloved saga, entertaining and endearing as it may be." 
United States
"Will 'Rise of Skywalker' entertain the crowds? Probably! Its action is fairly non-stop (...) There’s no spark; no joy; no life. If this truly is the end of the Skywalker Saga, what an ignoble end it is." 
United States
"Abrams has made a 'Star Wars' movie aimed at the people who love it best. 'The Rise of Skywalker' isn't perfect, but seen that way, it more than rises to the occasion." 
United States
The Verge
"There’s plenty of spectacle and space-fighting to keep 'The Rise of Skywalker' entertaining (...) But Abrams just hasn’t pared down the bombast enough to keep his story grounded" 
United Kingdom
"It should be full of things the series has technically never shown you before, but which also somehow immediately feel like classic 'Star Wars'. On these grounds (...) [it] is a roaring success (…) Rating: ★★★★ (out of 5)" 
United Kingdom
"[It] has been lovingly crafted by a host of talented people, and yet the best they can do is pay tribute to everything [Lucas] did several decades ago.(…) Rating: ★★★ (out of 5)" 
Screen Rant
"[It] may not have stuck the landing of ending the Skywalker saga on a high note, but it's a reminder that perhaps forging a new path is the only way to a brighter 'Star Wars' future. (…) Rating: ★★★ (out of 5)" 
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