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White Squall

Adventure "White Squall" is the true story of a ship school called the "Albatross." The school is run by the captain, Christopher "Skipper" Sheldon and his wife, Dr. Alice Sheldon. In the of 1960, the couple took aboard eight teenage boys from around the country for eight months of learning how to sail, be a crew, and respect one another. the crew goes through hard times and more laid-back times, but they must come together when a freak storm ... [+]
Media Author Review
United Kingdom
"A curiously compulsive drama that for all its inevitable Dead Sailors’ Society trappings is still highly entertaining. (...) gorgeous visuals (...) Rating: ★★★ (out of four)" 
United States
USA Today
"The 15-minute squall is spectacular and the movie's partial redeemer - the minimum you'd hope for in a movie called White Squall, don't you think?"
United States
Chicago Sun-Times
"The movie could have been smarter and more particular in the way it establishes its characters. (...) Yet I enjoyed the movie for the sheer physical exuberance of its adventure. It is magnificently mounted and photographed. (...) Rating: ★★★ (out of four)" 
United States
"Ridley Scott serves up some ravishing images along the way (...) But the script is a shambles"
United States
The New York Times
"Despite great scenery, the distinctive visual ideas of Mr. Scott and the strong dramatic presence of Mr. Bridges, most of White Squall remains listless and tame"
United States
Chicago Tribune
"Scott is able to make it fresh and lyrical, as well as give us rousingly exciting scenes of nature in eruption"
United States
"Director Ridley Scott's lavish production isn't totally satisfying, coasting aimlessly at times before suddenly leaping to a more intense dramatic plane"
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