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Crossing Over

Drama Crossing Over is a multi-character canvas about immigrants of different nationalities struggling to achieve legal status in Los Angeles... Immigrants from around the world enter Los Angeles every day, with hopeful visions of a better life, but little notion of what that life may cost. Their desperate scenarios test the humanity of immigration enforcement officers. In Crossing Over, writer-director Wayne Kramer explores the allure of the ... [+]
Media Author Review
United States
The New York Times
"Grossly exploitative (...) [It delivers its] sanctimony with less hand-wringing and more fist-shaking, complete with lurid violence and, for no real narrative reason, periodically bared female flesh" 
United States
Chicago Sun-Times
"Some of these stories are fascinating and some are heartbreaking"
United States
Entertainment Weekly
"'Crossing Over' is so eager to go for the emotional jugular that it never quite forges an enlightening point of view"
United States
Philadelphia Inquirer
"Harrison Ford - in his best role in years - and Cliff Curtis are the main reasons to see the film"
United States
AV Club
"'Crossing Over' is often simplistic and occasionally lugubrious, but it's rarely boring" 
United Kingdom
"Being over-stuffed and heavy-handed are not even 'Crossing Over’s' biggest problems. That dubious honour goes to an absolute failure to address its nominal subject-matter in any meaningful way"
United States
The Hollywood Reporter
"The film plays like a garish melodrama that reproduces the most ham-fisted, polemical aspects of 'Crash.'"
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