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Altered States

Sci-Fi. Fantasy It's the late 1960's. Just for a lark, graduate student Eddie Jessup, known for being unconventional, brilliant and slightly mad, conducts experiments with an isolation chamber, using himself as the subject. His experiences in the chamber cause him to hallucinate, much of the imagery being religious-based despite he not being a religious man. Seven years later, he is a respected full professor in the Harvard Medical School. Believing he ... [+]
Media Author Review
United States
"With a mad doctor like Ken Russell at the helm, one happily follows this movie to hell and back"
United States
Chicago Sun-Times
"Altered States is a superbly silly movie, a magnificent entertainment, and a clever and brilliant machine for making us feel awe, fear, and humor (...) Rating: ★★★½ (out of 4)" 
United States
"Russell has devised a film experience that will astound some viewers, outrage others and bore nobody."
United States
The New York Times
"The film is in fine shape as long as it revels in its own craziness, making no claims on the viewer's reason. But when it asks you to believe that what you're watching may really be happening, and to wonder what it means, it is asking far too much."
United States
Chicago Tribune
"There isn't a lucid moment in it, but it has dash, style, and good looks, as well as the funniest curtain line since Some Like It Hot." 
United States
The New Yorker
"An aggressively silly head-horror movie, the result of the misalliance of two wildly different hyperbolic talents-the director Ken Russell and the writer Paddy Chayefsky."
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