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Salt and Fire

Thriller. Drama On her way to research one of the world’s worst ecological disasters in South America, a scientist is suddenly kidnapped and held prisoner by the former head of the corporation responsible for the catastrophe, who reveals that there is something much bigger looming… a volatile supervolcano.
Media Author Review
United States
The Hollywood Reporter
"'Salt and Fire' may be rule-breaking, but the result is one of the director’s least appealing adventures (...) One wishes the filmmaker had applied his sharp, insightful documentary skills" 
United States
"'Salt and Fire’s' punchline, however, only enhances the sense of a shaggy-dog tale dashed off on the back of a postcard — it’s the scenery on the other side that holds our attention." 
United Kingdom
The Guardian
"Preposterous but charming (...) There’s no nuance (...) Still, the film-maker's tale telling has its weird appeal (…) Rating: ★★★ (out of 5)" 
United States
"Characters are established via blunt, awkwardly extraneous exposition, and everyone speaks lines with obvious discomfort (...) [But] the final act is one of the strongest sustained sequences of cinema he's crafted in some time" 
United Kingdom
"The overcrowded score just adds to the suspicion that the filmmakers don’t have much faith in the screenplay." 
United States
The Playlist
"The best that can be said of 'Salt and Fire' is that its flaws are wholly Herzog’s. Those flaws are deep. But so is the man responsible for them." 
United States
"'Salt and Fire' is what happens when a great director makes a very bad film. It’s a beguiling enterprise, to be sure, but instead of being captivated with what is on the screen you’re wondering why this project exists (…) Rating: ★ (out of 4)" 
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