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Thriller Margaret's life is in order. She is capable, disciplined, and successful. Everything is under control. That is, until David returns, carrying with him the horrors of Margaret's past 20 years ago.
Media Author Review
United States
The Hollywood Reporter
"Sharp and creepy (...) A gleaming, brightly lit world that is far from the dark cliches of most thrillers" 
United States
"Good luck sleeping after seeing 'Resurrection'. (...) unusually tense psychological thriller. (...) manages to be gripping." 
United States
"'Resurrection' would have been an absolute mess in lesser hands, but after watching so many movies mine a woman’s trauma for cheap thrills, it's satisfying to see one so eager to move beyond that" 
United States
The Wrap
"Semans' script takes a big narrative swing, but Hall, Roth and Kaufman make it all seem believable (...) It's the sort of horror movie where a simple conversation can have you begging for the scene to stop moving forward" 
United Kingdom
"Semans pushes Margaret into potentially preposterous narrative terrain, but Hall's total commitment to her character's growing mania helps ground the proceedings, no matter how outlandish the plotting becomes" 
United Kingdom
Time Out
"Rebecca Hall battles deeply toxic masculinity in this gripping, gruesome thriller (...) Hall is typically excellent as a woman heading past the edge of a nervous breakdown (…) Rating: ★★★★ (out of 5)" 
United States
The Playlist
"Thematically, the picture is layered and rich in its ideas (...) A haunting and visceral depiction of delusion and desperation, sustained by piercing performances from two of the most masterful actors working today" 
United Kingdom
The Guardian
"The intriguingly unpacked psychology of the first half unravels in overly simplistic terms (...) [It ends] on a surreal, ambiguous note, but it feels less daring and more down to a lack of better ideas (…) Rating: ★★ (out of 5)" 
United States
"A diabolically intense psychological thriller, with two riveting central performances from Hall and Tim Roth, neither of whom shy away from the dark nutty territory they are required to enter (…) Rating: ★★★ (out of 5)" 
United States
The Film Stage
"'Resurrection' may initially shake one to their core, but by the finale it devolves into little more than a diabolically outrageous genre outing for two great actors" 
United States
"Hall and Roth deliver explosive, career-best work in a psychological thriller that takes shocking and upsetting turns. The film is powerful both in its quietly disturbing scenes and in its most deranged and violent movements" 
United States
"'Resurrection' is a gem. Semans tells a story that sprinkles in enough daring and experimentation to keep us on our toes, while Hall and Roth swing for the fences with their antagonistic roles" 
United States
"[It] starts off promisingly (...) You can see how this material might make for enjoyably lurid horror in other hands. But Semans goes hard for importance and topical, trauma-survivor relevance" 
Screen Rant
"Rebecca Hall grounds intense psychological drama (...) Semans' film is gripping and will leave one with a lot to think about when all is said and done (…) Rating: ★★★½ (out of 5)" 
United States
"Rebecca Hall delivers another fierce performance (...) The overall experience is chilling to the extreme (...) A frightening film you won't easily forget" 
United States
"There are no plot twists or character revelations that one can savor, and the unvarying pace and tone merely add to viewer frustration with the very concept of this peculiar drama. It's a thriller that's no fun at all" 
United States
"A deliciously deranged depiction of an unraveling mind (...) In its climax, 'Resurrection' plunges full bore into body horror (…) Rating: ★★★ (out of 4)" 
Screen Anarchy
"It's Hall's note-perfect, awe-inspiring performance as a woman breaking under the wrenching, unquantifiable weight of guilt, trauma, and loss that makes 'Resurrection' an irresistible watch" 
United States
AV Club
"Semans opens the movie with very clean lines and spare interiors, all to descend into glorious mayhem by the end" 
United States
Ready Steady Cut
"'Resurrection'‘s wicked, twisted, and dark tumbles are as thought-provoking as they are enigmatic. Yet, perhaps perversely, Andrew Semans’ cerebral film is about empathy and forgiveness (…) Rating: ★★★★ (out of 5)" 
United States
Los Angeles Times
"Rebecca Hall’s thrilling performance breathes life into the creepy 'Resurrection'" 
United States
"It’s a different breed of abuse horror, uncommonly visceral and precise in its emphasis of the psychological element. The film seems familiar (...) but nonetheless conceals more lethal force than we realize at first" 
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