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For All Mankind (TV Series)

TV Series. Sci-Fi. Drama TV Series (2019-). 4 Seasons. 40 Episodes. The series explores what would happen if the Soviet Union beat the U.S.A. to putting a man on the moon, and the global space race had never ended? This series starts with the moon race of the ‘60s and will continue through the following decades.

Renewed for a fifth season.
Media Author Review
United States
"[4th Season Review]: The new journeys for this series will fly you to the moon and let you dance among the stars." 
United States
Rolling Stone
"[4th Season Review]: The kinds of characters and subplots that weren’t clicking before have been minimized or outright removed, and the show leans more into its biggest strengths." 
United States
AV Club
"[4th Season Review]: In the Apple TV+ show's most tedious season yet, Ronald D. Moore's series struggles to balance space thrills and emotional arcs" 
Screen Rant
"[4th Season Review]: A timely storyline about the class struggle on Mars proves that For All Mankind's alternative history has lots to teach us about our present." 
United Kingdom
"[4th Season Review]: Inspiring but not cloying, this is compelling drama precisely because it is as compromised and imperfect as our own struggles to progress (...) Rating: ★★★★★ (out of 5)" 
United States
"[4th Season Review]: [It] continues to audaciously rewrite history in season four. It’s got a handful of legacy characters with over thirty years of baggage to process, as well as new frontiers of the continuing space race" 
United States
Chicago Tribune
"[4th Season Review]: Finally, a recent TV show to depict labor organizing!" 
United States
"[4th Season Review]: another giant leap for Apple's smart and thrilling space drama" 
United States
Ready Steady Cut
"[4th Season Review]: The show is, once again, expertly written with more astounding visuals to ogle at (...) Rating: ★★★★½ (out of 5)" 
United States
The New York Observer
"[4th Season Review]: But though this new season continues to excite the imagination with the thrill of what could have been and what might still be, the very thing that makes the show unique and exciting is beginning to water down its character drama" 
United States
AV Club
"[4th Season Review]: One giant, soapy misstep (...) most tedious season yet" 
United States
TV Guide
"[3rd Season Review]: For All Mankind's ability to create thrilling, intense action sequences remains wholly intact" 
United States
"[3rd Season Review]: 'For All Mankind' still manages to be a compelling, propulsive show, even if it often falls prey to that same idea." 
United States
"[3rd Season Review]: Overall, For All Mankind is just freaking good TV. Its glossy VFX will make your jaw drop, but its brilliant ensemble of characters will also make your heart break" 
Screen Anarchy
"[3rd Season Review]: As a combination of wish fulfillment bolstered by good writing, superb direction, and sterling performances, 'For All Mankind' continues to soar" 
United States
"[3rd Season Review]: An alternate history that constantly keeps us guessing. Between its stellar cast and limitless possibilities, this is a brave new world that's worth revisiting" 
United States
"[3rd Season Review]: Great storylines, strong characters, and well-written episodes. It all works together seamlessly without feeling like storylines are being sacrificed in the name of spectacle" 
United States
Rolling Stone
"[3rd Season Review]: It's still rocketing toward being one of the best shows currently on TV" 
United States
USA Today
"[3rd Season Review]: 'For All Mankind' is the most thoughtful and thought-out show on TV, so nuanced and exquisite that you forget where and when you're living and who's president (…) Rating: ★★★★ (out of 4)" 
United States
AV Club
"[2nd Season Review]: Although its imagination occasionally stalls, the second season of For All Mankind eventually comes together to offer a thrilling journey through sci-fi drama." 
United States
Vanity Fair
"[3rd Season Review]: In its third season, [this] space-focused alternate history remains a delight" 
United States
"[2nd Season Review]: while Season 2 has its flaws, it's exciting to know that the story will keep advancing into the future." 
United States
Rolling Stone
"[2nd Season Review]: For All Mankind is stronger and more confident overall than it was in its first year (...) if patience will be required at times, it will also be rewarded spectacularly (...) Rating: ★★★★ (out of 5)" 
United States
"It makes the most of its budget (...) Its production and costume design evolve to fit the changing times, and its handsome direction shines brightest in space." 
United States
The Hollywood Reporter
"A solid effort at epic, alternate-history storytelling, but feels a bit derivative and moves too slowly" 
United States
"Even walking a different path, 'For All Mankind' still finds ways to take one step forward and a giant leap back." 
United Kingdom
The Guardian
"A solidly, blandly entertaining drama that will be no one’s favourite of the year while also avoiding being anyone’s worst (…) Rating: ★★★ (out of 5)" 
United States
AV Club
"Most of the sequences shot in space are either dizzying or dazzling (...) But unless you’re the type to go have gone to space camp (we exist), there’s no immediate hook, nothing that quite screams ''Mad Men' set at NASA'." 
United Kingdom
Radio Times
"[A] gripping alternate history (...) Performances are good across the board (…) Rating: ★★★★ (out of 5)" 
United States
"A must watch for hardcore sci-fi fans (...) However, if you just a casual fan of the genre, this may be too serious and ponderous." 
United States
"It's by far the most confident, fully-realized, and best-executed effort in the Apple TV+ launch slate" 
United States
Entertainment Weekly
"[It] distinguishes itself by speculating how far a truly dedicated space race could’ve gone without shying away from the ugly realities of Cold War America. Here’s the moon like you’ve never seen it before." 
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