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Sci-Fi. Fantasy In the year 1984, rocket bombs and rats prey on the inhabitants of the crumbling metropolis of London. Far away on the Malabar Front, a seemingly interminable war rages against Eastasia. The Ministry of Truth broadcasts ceaselessly to the population via its inescapable network of telescreens. These devices, which pervade all aspects of peoples' lives, are also capable of monitoring their every word and action. They form part of an ... [+]
Media Author Review
United States
Chicago Sun-Times
"The 1954 film version of Orwell's novel turned it into a cautionary, simplistic science-fiction tale. This version penetrates much more deeply into the novel's heart of darkness (...) Rating: ★★★½ (out of 4)" 
United States
The Washington Post
"Aficionados of the Noble Failure will love '1984,' Michael Radford's tasteful but trivial adaptation" 
United States
Miami Herald
"Radford's 1984 is a time of relentless oppression in every corner of life, and his images -- corroded, soiled, darkly corrupted -- speak of Orwell as eloquently as the characters."
United Kingdom
"A solidly made, sternly acted, and faithful realisation of the distopian novel. (...) Rating: ★★★ (out of 5)" 
United States
In this unremitting downer, writer-director Michael Radford introduces no touches of comedy or facile sensationalism to soften a harsh depiction of life under a totalitarian system" 
United States
The New York Times
"This 1984 is not an easy film to watch, but it exerts a fascination that demands attention even as you want to turn away from it"
United States
TV Guide
"The performances in the film are excellent, and its look is entirely appropriate and mesmerizing--but only for a while. The film's basic flaw is that it's just too painful, too depressing, and too slow to watch."
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