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The Lost City

Adventure. Comedy. Action A reclusive romance novelist on a book tour with her cover model gets swept up in kidnapping attempt that lands them them both in a cutthroat jungle adventure.
Media Author Review
United States
"'The Lost City' won’t be nominated for any Oscars, but it repeats what Spielberg and Lucas did for 'Raiders of the Lost Ark,' mining a century-old genre for inspiration and polishing those tropes for a new generation" 
United States
USA Today
"'The Lost City' isn't a bad movie, and it's sufficiently ridiculous for those seeking a gonzo escape with A-listers (…) Puntuación: ★★½ (sobre 4)" 
United States
The Wrap
"Unfortunately, 'The Lost City' never manages to recover once Pitt’s rousing cameo is over. While pleasant, “The Lost City” is unlikely to satisfy those thirsting for action and adventure." 
United States
The Playlist
"Overstuffed at times, ultimately, 'The Lost City' is a fun ride and a loving throwback to a certain kind of star-laden character-led adventure films Hollywood doesn’t seem to have time for anymore" 
United States
ABC News
"'The Lost City' reminds us of the lost pleasures of big-screen escapism, the kind that slaps a smile on your face that lasts all the way home" 
United States
"The directors' work isn't remarkable in any way. Bullock and Tatum are the glue that holds this film together and are infinitely more interesting than what’s happening around them" 
United States
"Adam and Aaron Nee understand exactly what their audience wants (...) This is a movie you watch in the theater, with popcorn, then again and again on streaming, with a glass of wine (...) Rating: ★★★½ (out of 4)" 
United States
The Hollywood Reporter
"It’s a thoroughly commercial film (...) Even with an unnecessary subplot or two, the film feels reasonably brisk for its nearly two-hour running time" 
United States
New York Post
"The dumb movie joins the discouraging trend of demeaning a once-great genre with nauseating humor, no thrills or grandeur and an over-reliance on star power (…) Rating: ★★ (out of 4)" 
United States
Entertainment Weekly
"Nothing would really hang together without its main pair (...) Their rapport feels both meticulously market-tested and somehow gratifyingly natural, and strong enough too to withstand a careening, unabashedly cartoonish plot" 
United States
"The obvious chemistry between Tatum and Bullock saves the day (...) 'The Lost City' might not be as majestic or breathtaking as its loftier influences, but it is the swooning stuff that great romance novels are made of." 
United States
Austin Chronicle
"A film you can escape your troubles with for a couple of hours. Award-winning? Nope, but it is fun" 
United States
Los Angeles Times
"Sandra Bullock and Channing Tatum go enjoyably neo-screwball in 'The Lost City' (...) The poster made it look kind of fun, and lo and behold, it is" 
United States
"It's clear that 'The Lost City' is Bullock and Tatum's show, but its tokenistic moves are further proof that star power and chemistry can only take a film with a mediocre script so far (…) Rating: ★★ (out of 4)" 
United States
The Film Stage
"The easy-breeziness of it all anchors this whole film's appeal (...) The most wondrous thing about 'The Lost City' is that it even exists" 
United States
Rolling Stone
"The movie itself is trying to excavate a long-lost genre: the big-budget action-adventure movie-star rom-com (...) You can almost see the flop-sweat dripping down the screen" 
United States
"There's a goofy sincerity to the movie, and it retains that old Hollywood screwball spirit that gives it a timeless feeling. It's nothing new, and lord knows it's nothing groundbreaking, but boy, is it fun" 
United States
AV Club
"Anyone who watches this motion picture and says they truly disliked it is probably telling a fib" 
United States
"'The Lost City' is bland and messy whenever Sandra Bullock and Channing Tatum aren't on screen. Thankfully, their comedic banter is front and center for most of the film" 
United Kingdom
The Guardian
"This is all amiable enough, with the all-important dimension of laughs: Tatum and Bullock showing that they are smart enough to know how silly it is, and that they know that we know that they know (…) Rating: ★★★ (out of 5)" 
Screen Rant
"With the effortlessly charming and talented cast, [it] makes for a highly entertaining, joyful adventure (...) A fun film. It's engaging and full of humor that never feels forced for the sake of it (…) Rating: ★★★½ (out of 5)" 
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