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The Descent

Horror. Adventure The Descent is Neil Marshall's hotly anticipated follow up to his 2002 hit Dog Soldiers. Directed by Marshall from his own script, it tells the story of an all female caving expedition that goes terrifyingly wrong. Set in a cave system deep in the Appalachian Mountains.
Media Author Review
United States
AV Club
"The Descent sustains a level of intensity that most horror films can barely muster for five minutes"
United States
USA Today
"It's made expressly for fans of unmitigated gore" 
United States
"This one is a creepy white-knuckle excursion into horror, where even the "boo!" moments are so well developed that they cause a jolt"
United States
The New York Times
"A cult classic is born"
United States
Rolling Stone
"Prepare to be scared senseless, and then, when you think you have it figured, your certainty will be shaken by scenes built to scare you even more"
United States
Los Angeles Times
"You either go for a movie like this or you don't. But though I didn't like it much, I've got to admit that The Descent is a nerve-jangler"
United States
"Marshall takes a modest budget and a concept that isn't all that original and produces a frightening, intelligent and sexy thriller" 
United States
The New York Times
"A sensationally entertaining escalation of frights, the kind that make you wiggle and squirm as you alternately laugh at your own gullibility and marvel at the filmmaker's cunning and craft" 
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