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Runaways (TV Series)

TV Series. Sci-Fi. Action. Drama TV Series (2017-2019). 3 Seasons. 33 Episodes. Follows a group of six teenagers in the Marvel universe - Nico Minoru, Karolina Dean, Molly Hayes, Chase Stein, Alex Wilder, and Gertrude Yorkes - who discover that their parents are secretly members of a supervillain cabal called The Pride. After deciding they're no longer safe in their own homes, the kids go on the run. In the midst of hiding from their elders, the teens learn about ... [+]
Media Author Review
United States
"[2nd Season Review]: Season 2 compromises strong characters with poor plot choices (...) [It] overcomplicates its strong premise" 
United States
AV Club
"[2nd Season Review]: Big things are happening, and even if they’re not all of equal interest, it’s enough to keep 'Runaways' engaging (...) [It shows] a lack of consistency in characterization." 
United States
"[2nd Season Review]: The season rolls along in a snappy but not especially comprehensible jumble. It’s not boring, but it’s not as gripping as it could be" 
Screen Rant
"[2nd Season Review]: 'Runaways' season 2 feels even more averse to taking storytelling risks than it was in season 1 (...) Little of what transpires carries any significant weight or threat of consequence" 
United States
"[2nd Season Review]: [It] feels a little like two stories crammed together that are often at odds (...) Luckily, the performances are so compelling on both sides, viewers will likely find enough to keep them engaged" 
United States
The Hollywood Reporter
"A promising start for this comic book dramedy." 
United States
"Fantastical is to be expected, but the weirdness of this show is next level for Marvel. And it's pretty fun." 
United States
"In its opening episodes, 'Marvel’s Runaways' sketches out its story cleanly and with slick energy (...) The series lacks a narrative core around which it can reliably revolve." 
United States
Entertainment Weekly
"The kids are all right, especially Barer. But (...) the adults are fascinating (...) There’s a deep vein of dark comedy here" 
United States
The New York Times
"No one gets much time or, as of yet, much of a personality, with the exception of Ariela Barer and Allegra Acosta (...) 'Runaways' does evince the Savage-Schwartz sparkle" 
United States
AV Club
"'Runaways' is even better than fans could have hoped for (...) The beauty of the 'Runaways' concept is that many teens already think of their parents as evil supervillains" 
United States
USA Today
"It’s a cheeky, splashy and addictive coming-of-age adventure that feels at once fresh and comfortingly familiar (…) Rating: ★★★ (out of 4)" 
United States
"[It] could easily suck you in on a lazy Saturday, but [it] doesn’t quite feel like a must-watch, at least not based on the first four episodes" 
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