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Comedy Norbit (Murphy) has never had it easy. As a baby, he was abandoned on the steps of a Chinese restaurant/orphanage and raised by Mr. Wong (Murphy). Things get worse when he's forced into marriage by the mean, junk food-chugging queen, Rasputia (Murphy). Just when Norbit's hanging by his last thread, his childhood sweetheart, Kate (Newton), moves back to town. In the comedy "Norbit", he'll show them all that nice guys sometimes finish first.  [+]
Media Author Review
United States
TV Guide
"Mean-spirited and depressing, this horror movie in comedy disguise delights in the twin spectacles of morbid obesity and domestic abuse"
United States
San Francisco Chronicle
"If Eddie Murphy gets an Oscar for 'Dreamgirls' later this month, the deciding factor with voters may be his performance in Norbit. It's much more impressive than anything he does in 'Dreamgirls'" 
United States
The New Yorker
"A lackluster attempt to make a gross-out romantic comedy."
United States
The Hollywood Reporter
"Racially insensitive, politically incorrect and beyond crude."
United States
Miami Herald
"Although there's no denying the threadbare nature of the script, watching Murphy riff can be a formidable entertainment on its own"
United States
Boston Globe
"The only recommendable thing about Norbit is that he's not as bad as every other person in this movie." 
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