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Utopia (TV Series)

TV Series. Thriller TV Series (2020). 8 Episodes. A group of young adults, who meet online, get a hold of a cult underground graphic novel, which not only pins them as a target of a shadowy deep state organization, but also burdens them with the dangerous task of saving the world.
Media Author Review
United States
The Hollywood Reporter
"Too hackneyed to be timely, too grim to be escapist (...) There’s not enough specificity to the characters or fascination in the season-long mysteries" 
United States
Rolling Stone
"[It] feels like its an immaculately restored classic car with no gas in the tank (…) Rating: ★★½ (out of 5)" 
United States
"If I see wasted potential in a show or a movie or a short film, I am going to call it out and 'Utopia' has a lot of it. It has positive aspects in categories like acting, direction, production design, cinematography, and sound design" 
United States
AV Club
"Flynn’s thrillers often resonate because of the power of their observations, but 'Utopia' fails because of the lack of them." 
United States
"It’s grim to the point of being hostile, clumsy in critical character-centric moments, and an otherwise efficient dystopian thriller" 
Heaven of Horror
"All episodes without exception work really well (...) I had great expectations and it still managed to surprise in some really wonderful ways (…) Rating: ★★★★ (out of 5)" 
United States
"Eight energetic, propulsive episodes (...) each unfolding like a chapter of an addictive crime novel (...) For every genuine surprise, there are five more 'twists' that were telegraphed from five miles away" 
Screen Anarchy
"Flynn is a gifted writer (...) Too often, however, the tone is swamped by a smug and cynical worldview that makes watching the series increasingly noxious and wearisome." 
United Kingdom
Radio Times
"When [it] excels, it’s because Flynn departs from Kelly’s original story to add her own twists and extensions – when it disappoints, it’s because it’s just re-doing something that’s been done better before (…) Rating: ★★★ (out of 5)" 
United States
"[It] is the wrong show at the wrong time (...) What makes the show unbearable, though, is that it exploits some of contemporary civilization’s greatest anxieties without saying anything worth hearing about them." 
United States
"'Utopia' is at times uncomfortable and occasionally gruesome, but as edgy dramas go, effectively maintains its momentum from one hour to the next" 
United States
"We like what we see so far, especially with the five members of the online group, but we’re not sure if anyone is in the mood to see this given what’s going on right now." 
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