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The Rules of Attraction

Comedy. Drama. Romance The incredibly spoiled and overprivileged students of Camden College are a backdrop for an unusual love triangle between a drug dealer, a virgin and a bisexual classmate.
Media Author Review
United States
Chicago Sun-Times
"The yo-yo timeline works because we know, or quickly learn, who the characters are, but sometimes it's annoying (...) Rating: ★★ (out of 4)" 
United Kingdom
"Too strong for most (...) Avary filters American Pie through Requiem For A Dream to create America's Trainspotting. A breathtaking story told in breathtaking style (...) Puntuación: ★★★★ (sobre 5)" 
United Kingdom
"Juices up the visuals with fancy camerawork and split screens, but it can't distract enough from the vulgarity of the material"
United States
Entertainment Weekly
"Avary, like Ellis, has a taste for decadence that can’t be faked (...) it’s a party-hearty teen flick that scalds like acid. The cast is a pitch-perfect assemblage of pretty young things" 
United States
"Pic fails to translate Ellis to the screen as well as Mary Harron's "American Psycho" did" 
United States
"'Rules' has only a few truly funny moments (...) 'Rules' might have been more fun were it a little gayer" 
United States
AV Club
"Attraction is top-notch trash, a guilty pleasure designed for the decadent 14-year-old in everyone" 
United States
The New York Times
"But if 'The Rules of Attraction,' which opens today nationwide, is a much more faithful novel-to-screen adaptation than 'American Psycho,' its reverence for its source proves to be its biggest problem" 
United States
New York Post
"Looks and feels like a bad imitation of 'Trainspotting' without any of that film's wit or charm"
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