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Fantasy. Adventure. Drama Human barbarism and warfare have ravaged the landscape. Noah, a peaceful man, just wants to live a righteous life with his family. Every night, Noah has visions of death by water, followed by renewed life on Earth. He's sent word from the Creator that a great flood is coming that will destroy the world and all life. When Noah begins to build a giant ark in order to save himself, his loved ones and two of every species from the impending ... [+]
Media Author Review
United States
"There may be no better description of Aronofsky’s film than to say that it has one foot in the world of Bresson and the other in that of Jerry Bruckheimer." 
United States
The Hollywood Reporter
"Something vital and audacious (...) Aronofsky has been daring, digging deep to develop a bold interpretation of a tale which, in the original, offers a lot of room for speculation and invention." 
United Kingdom
"'Noah' aspires to be a love story, a family drama, a war movie and a disaster film, but the different tones and genres aren't successfully integrated." 
United States
"A truly visionary achievement flooded by half-baked ideas. (...) Aronofsky's worst movie is an epic misfire that, like the source material, offers plenty of lessons even if you don't buy the whole package." 
United States
The Wrap
"Darren Aronofsky's Biblical ‘Waterworld’ Mostly Runs Aground. (...) A movie stuck between being a straightforward Biblical epic and a full-tilt-boogie arthouse film" 
United States
USA Today
"A massively scaled undertaking, Noah is a bold re-telling with plenty of spectacle, undercut by its own sprawling ambitions, fantasy elements and formulaic villain. (...) Rating: ★★½ (out of four)" 
United States
Rolling Stone
"A film of grit, grace and visual wonders that for all its tech-head modernity is built on a spiritual core. (...) Rating: ★★★ (out of four)" 
United States
The New York Times
"Mr. Aronofsky’s earnest, uneven, intermittently powerful film, is both a psychological case study and a parable of hubris and humility." 
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