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Butt Boy

Comedy. Thriller. Sci-Fi After a child goes missing, a newly sober detective suspects that his sponsor has a super power that makes animals, objects, and humans disappear in his butt.
Media Author Review
United States
The New York Times
"Maybe it’s the hell we’re all living through right now, but Tyler Cornack’s orificial fantasy struck me as a hilariously bawdy, intermittently inspired act of vivacious vulgarity." 
United States
"[It] dares you to give it a shot, and operates on the assumption that most people will write it off from the start. It’s hard to believe this movie even exists, but equally worth recognizing that it’s not entirely full of shit." 
United States
The Daily Dot
The whole thing is just a gross-out joke stretched to absurd proportions, seemingly designed to attract epithets like “weirdest film of the year.” But you know what? It works (...) Rating:★★★★½ (out of 5)" 
United States
The Hollywood Reporter
"Less outrageous or provocative than puzzling, it will appeal to a very specific sort of irony-hungry moviegoer and leave most others shrugging." 
United States
"An exceptionally entertaining and weird film that defies every expectation. Everyone should see this tragic and thrilling story of a man who becomes addicted to shoving things up his butt." 
United States
Film School Rejects
"This is engrossing entertainment and a reminder that we never truly know what someone else is hiding inside. 
Heaven of Horror
"It starts out well and picks up at the end (pun intended), but the middle is a little weak. Still, it’s a lot of fun as well (…) Rating: ★★★ (out of 5)" 
United States
The Film Stage
"The final result features dumb inconsistencies (...) and a greediness to be so overwrought that it eventually turns frustrating to endure, but the 'you have to see it to believe it aspect' is a powerful enough selling point to render those truths inert." 
United States
"Nobody is going to watch a movie called “Butt Boy” in pursuit of sophisticated wit. That said (...) does manage to be just about the drollest execution possible of the most juvenile concept imaginable." 
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