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H is for Happiness

Drama A twelve year old girl with boundless optimism and a unique view of the world, is inspired by the strange new boy at school and sets out to mend her broken family - whatever it takes.
Media Author Review
United Kingdom
"A buoyant, thoughtful movie that muses on adolescents doing what adults around them don’t 
United States
"This delightful coming-of-age dramedy provides feel-good entertainment for the entire family without pandering — or sacrificing style or substance." 
The Adelaide Review
"[It] often comes across as very real (...) And yet, somehow, you can’t help but think such a troubled teen-targeted tale might be a hard sell for audiences wanting something bigger, easier and, dare it be said, less Australian" 
United Kingdom
The Guardian
"Syrupy-sweet visuals flavour this compulsively watchable story (...) There is much to appreciate in this film; much to like (…) Rating: ★★★★ (out of 5)" 
Sydney Morning Herald
"This script wasn't ready to film (...) 'H is for Happiness' is amiable, even quite likeable, just not good enough to compete against much bigger and better-funded foreign movies (…) Rating: ★★★ (out of 5)" 
"As the film progresses, and the characters build, so does the audience engagement (...) It is generous hearted" 
United States
The Hollywood Reporter
"A candy coating with not much underneath." 
The Curb
"I love this film. I adore it completely. This will be an all-time classic." 
United States
The New York Times
"Its meticulous visuals do frequently tip into preciousness, yet this cuteness is offset by the movie’s refreshingly direct take on depression and despair." 
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