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Mr. Brooks

Thriller. Mystery Earl Brooks (Kevin Costner) is a loving family man and a local business icon. But Mr. Brooks is deeply flawed and very aware of it. He is addicted to killing. Struggling with his pathology,he tries to quit, but his alter-ego, “Marshall” (William Hurt), has an altogether different idea. “Marshall” enjoys his “existence” and his “work.” Tenacious Detective Tracy Atwood (Demi Moore), battling with her own demons, is extremely frustrated at ... [+]
Media Author Review
United States
Entertainment Weekly
"'Mr. Brooks' begins promisingly, but it grows steadily more preposterous as it goes along, becoming the first feel-good serial-killer movie"
United States
USA Today
"Far-fetched, flimsy and uninvolving"
United States
Philadelphia Inquirer
"Entertainingly creepy"
United States
"Hurt and Costner are terrific together as two sides of the same personality"
United States
AV Club
"Sadly, only Hurt seems to recognize that the only way to make this material work is to play it with lunatic enthusiasm instead of grave seriousness."
United States
"A curious mix of the campy and the intelligent, of high concept and low psychology. In spite of these contradictions, or perhaps because of them, it works. This is a tense and engaging thriller. "
United States
Chicago Reader
"This is one of those slick, violent, ridiculous Hollywood jobs that make little sense as a story, a comment on life, or a depiction of characters, but are moderately enjoyable"
United States
The New Yorker
"So well made, and so compelling as a portrait of a man at war with himself, that, right up until the end, many people will probably be entertained by its intricately preposterous story" 
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