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The Deep End of the Ocean

Drama Beth Cappadora (Michelle Pfeiffer), a photographer, is married to Pat (Treat Williams), a restaurateur, and they would seem to have a perfect life in Madison, Wisconsin. In 1988, they have three small children that Beth takes along to her high school reunion in Chicago. While checking in at a crowded hotel lobby, her middle child, three-year-old Ben, disappears. Despite a frantic search and much media coverage, the boy is not found, and ... [+]
Media Author Review
United States
"Engaging, often heart-wrenching drama (...) Pfeiffer and Treat Williams give such magnetic performances that they elevate the film way above its middlebrow sensibility and proclivity for neat resolutions." 
United States
Chicago Sun-Times
"A painfully stolid movie (...) the result is that awkwardness when characters express emotions that the audience doesn't share. (...) Rating: ★½ (out of four)" 
United States
Los Angeles Times
"Ends up insisting on pat and overly tidy resolutions that are at variance with the emotional chaos it's nominally attempting to convey"
United States
USA Today
"Two films in one: an intriguing child-disappearance mystery and an uncommonly affecting domestic drama realized by four terrific central performances."
United States
The New Yorker
"Pfeiffer digs into the role and won't let go. The rest of the movie is conventionally earnest."
United States
Entertainment Weekly
"If the film was less than satisfying as a big-screen event, it's still worth renting for Pfeiffer, who valiantly portrays the devastating complexities of grief and guilt"
United States
"It's a classy but downbeat spin on the most familiar of TV-movie formulas" 
United States
The Washington Post
"It has the overwhelming stench of a film afflicted by star ego -- Michelle Pfeiffer is never wrong, which is exactly what is wrong with 'The Deep End of the Ocean'" 
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Yoshiyuki Fujiwara