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Van Wilder: Party Liaison

Comedy In certain circles, Van Wilder is a living legend at Coolidge College, where he's been a student now for seven years, not yet having completed his degree requirements. Despite being bright, he never attends classes anymore, instead hosting parties, imparting his brand of wisdom to his adoring fans, hosting school organization fundraisers, and rallying the college spirit among the student body. Conversely, Van loves his Coolidge life. In ... [+]
Media Author Review
United Kingdom
"Relentlessly moronic, derivative and offensive (...) amazingly, this avoids one-star ignominy thanks to some genuine chuckles (...) Rating: ★★★ (out of 5)" 
United States
"There's nary a comic idea in Van Wilder that isn't ripped off from a recent Farrelly brothers movie. But that doesn't stop Van Wilder from being very funny, provided you're not easily offended"
United States
Chicago Tribune
"An unabashedly bad movie full of cliches, claptrap, fairly good rock 'n' roll and stomach-turning gross-out gags."
United States
Chicago Tribune
"What's lacking is the sense of structure that might have made Van Wilder more than a meandering succession of random gags." 
United States
New York Daily News
"A movie that shouldn't be allowed on the same campus as 'Animal House.'"
United States
USA Today
"Even by teen gross-out movie standards Van Wilder makes 'Sorority Boys' look like 'Some Like It Hot' (...) Rating: ★ (out of 4)" 
United States
The Washington Post
"The movie is really just an elaborate excuse to show repeated close-ups of an elephantine dog scrotum."
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