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The Time Traveler's Wife (TV Series)

TV Series. Fantasy. Drama. Romance TV Series (2022). 1 Season. 6 Episodes. A couple's relationship is put to the test when time travel is involved. A TV adaptation of Audrey Niffenegger's novel 'The Time Traveler's Wife.'

Canceled after its first season.
Media Author Review
United States
"[It] is a story about a repetitive life, told repetitively (...) The story fails to convince that the couple shares much more than an understanding of the obstacles keeping them apart" 
United States
Entertainment Weekly
"[It] is at least bad in a funny way (...) some dialogue achieves awfulness poetry" 
United States
Paste Magazine
"It’s an almost perfect storm of everything that’s both great and terrible about Moffat as a storyteller (...) it’s difficult not to feel like this is a story we’ve (sort of) seen before." 
United States
"An irresistibly watchable melodrama almost in spite of itself (...) this version absolutely comes the closest to replicating the feeling one can get from reading Niffenegger's book" 
United States
"In the absence of even that kernel of enjoyment, all 'The Time Traveler’s Wife' has to offer is an extended, painfully literal allegory for the bromide that true love transcends time" 
United States
The Hollywood Reporter
"Maybe it's time to break up with this story (...) 'The Time Traveler's Wife' fails so direly to mine any romance from its central premise that it starts to build a case for the opposite" 
United States
AV Club
"Occasionally James and especially Leslie manage to make you understand why Henry and Claire’s love is so compelling" 
United Kingdom
Radio Times
"A sparkling but uneven adaptation (...) It's a mixed bag, basically, that you might find yourself liking against your first instincts (...) Rating: ★★★ (out of 5)" 
United States
The New York Times
"Moffat and the director David Nutter have made it watchable but they haven’t managed to conjure the emotion, or dramatize the ideas, that so many people seem to find in the story." 
United States
The Playlist
"What's left is a show filled with so much hatred and ickiness it’s hard to believe anyone will find something to enjoy lurking inside all this muck" 
United States
"There's nothing about [it] that hooked us in so we could take this romantic ride with Henry and Claire. It doesn't help that the show is cheekier than it really needs to be" 
United Kingdom
The Guardian
"Witty and well done (...) I would rather a series that felt as if it was with those who want to push us [women] forward, rather than back in time (…) Rating: ★★★ (out of 5)" 
"An entertaining and intricate look at how people can change each other even when they have met before and after as different people." 
United States
"Leslie and James do their best to keep the series afloat, but it falls to pieces around them, slowly but surely" 
United States
Chicago Sun-Times
"'The Time Traveler's Wife' remake turns lovely novel into a creepy, convoluted mess (...) Rose Leslie and Theo James star in a series light on romantic chemistry and heavy on the cringe (…) Rating: ★½ (out of 4)" 
United States
"[The] story was too hard to tell, so the series skirts by on style over substance, never giving its characters or concepts the depth they deserve" 
Screen Anarchy
"It's lovely to see that Theo James is able to capture a broader accounting of an individual's development under extraordinary circumstances. Rose Leslie, though, is the beating heart of the series" 
United States
"An admirable effort, but one that simply underscores how unadaptable this material might be -if time is precious, these episodes finally feel too much like a waste of it" 
United States
"Whether the main flaw in 'The Time Traveler's Wife' is in the flatness of the prose or the emotional disconnect in the delivery is hard to say" 
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