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Whiskey Cavalier (TV Series)

TV Series. Action. Comedy TV Series (2019). 13 Episodes. A pair of CIA agents embark on missions to save the world, but have to put up with each other first.A pair of CIA agents embark on missions to save the world, but have to put up with each other first.

Premiere: February 24 on ABC.
Media Author Review
United States
"The team dynamic needs more time to gel (..) but Williams, at least, comes out the gate strong as an early standout (...) [It] isn’t about to revolutionize TV as we know it, but at least it goes down easy." 
United States
The New York Times
"Giddily enjoyable (...) Prefab in action and exposition (...) In the early episodes Cohan looks capable but not entirely comfortable with the fast-paced comedy." 
United States
AV Club
"There are plenty of flashes of personality (...) The chemistry between Whiskey and Fiery, which is a make-or-break component (...) in the early going, is largely the product of the banter and not the actors delivering it." 
United States
The Hollywood Reporter
"[It lacks] plausibility, dramatic stakes, thoughtful timeliness, character nuance, etc. (...) Foley and Cohan look great and the evident pleasure they're having playing spy is infectious" 
United States
USA Today
"It's as generic and satisfying as a glass of rail whiskey – it may not be top shelf, but it will do in a pinch (…) Rating: ★★ (out of 4)" 
United States
Rolling Stone
"Scott Foley and Lauren Cohan generate heat but ABC’s new spy series otherwise feels like it’s working too hard (…) Rating: ★★★ (out of 5)" 
United States
"There’s something charming about its happy-go-lucky sweetness (...) Some of the jokes feel dated, and the settings (...) look like hand-me-down locations from the first 'Bourne' movie." 
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