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Firefly Lane (TV Series)

TV Series. Drama TV Series (2021-2022). 2 Seasons. 20 Episodes. The story of Tully and Kate, two unlikely friends from their meeting as tweens in 1974 to the present. Kate, the introvert, and Tully, the coolest girl in school, form a bond that weathers every milestone in their lives, leading up to a tragedy in the present.

Media Author Review
United States
"[2nd Season Review]: Firefly Lane can be soapy and sappy, but it’s a fun ride full of humor and high stakes relationship drama" 
United States
AV Club
"[2nd Season Review]: It seems as though 'Firefly Lane' hasn't learned much over the years (...) All of the stuff that was wrong with season one is still wrong with it this time down the road" 
United States
"[2nd Season Review]: Despite it all, we’ll miss this duo" 
United States
AV Club
"It’s the sort of cheap-looking, unevenly written and acted series that’s easy to rag on (...) [But it] offers an exploration of women’s interior lives that still feels relatively rare in the TV landscape" 
United States
"'Firefly Lane' loses out on much of its potential emotional resonance by getting lost in its own narrative trickery." 
United States
"For all its obvious turns and emotionally manipulative choices, you’ll be hard pressed to stop watching. The performances of the four actresses playing Tully and Kate are so spectacular you’ll be sucked in." 
United States
Entertainment Weekly
"'Firefly Lane' would be entirely forgettable without Heigl and Chalke — which is both a compliment and a disappointment." 
United States
Paste Magazine
"The show truly fumbles when it tries to take on bigger issues (...) The other problem is the lack of investment I had in the show’s central love triangle" 
United States
Chicago Sun-Times
"Heigl and Chalke are terrific together (...) They’re three-dimensional characters in a series where many of the supporting figures (...) are relatively thinly drawn and not particularly compelling (…) Rating: ★★½ (out of 4)" 
United States
The Hollywood Reporter
"Overloaded with saccharin and cheese (...) It’s a rich premise squandered by awkward casting, tearjerking storylines and knee-high ambitions." 
United States
TV Guide
"10 impossibly fast, nearly one-hour episodes fly by without them saying anything profound (…) Rating: ★★½ (out of 5)" 
United States
"Chalke and Heigl make the series far more entertaining than it has any right to be." 
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