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Shantaram (TV Series)

TV Series. Action. Drama. Thriller TV Series (2022). 1 Season. 12 Episodes. Escaped convict Lin Ford flees to the teeming streets of 1980s Bombay, looking to disappear. Working as a medic for the city’s poor and neglected, Lin finds unexpected love, connection, and courage on the long road to redemption.

Canceled after its first season.
Media Author Review
United States
"[It] suffers from a problem that is symptomatic of the streaming era: the series should have been a movie (...) turning into a seemingly endless journey (...) Rating: ★★ (out of 4)" 
"Methodically paced and surprisingly quiet given the way it is presented, 'Shantaram' may not be the show viewers are expecting but stands as a relatively faithful adaptation of the novel" 
United States
"There are so many profound moments and unforgettable lines that you would want to sear into your memory forever" 
United States
"Hunnam is effective at playing a person who wants to have his freedom and thinks he can find it in Bombay (...) A slow-moving thriller that we hope picks up some momentum as the series goes along" 
United States
The Playlist
"There's not a single weak performance and several very good ones. It's also a gorgeous show to look at, a program that takes place across multiple settings with a rich cultural backdrop and actual cinematic considerations" 
United States
Paste Magazine
"When you ride the wave of drama, the unpredictability of the ebb and flow is part of the appeal, but beneath that surface-level caprice there must be a sense too that the general thrust of the current is toward some shore" 
United Kingdom
"I have never read 'Shantaram', the best-selling book by Gregory David Roberts. If it's as bad as [this] adaptation, I've saved myself many hours of tedium (...) Rating: ★★ (out of 5)" 
United States
Ready Steady Cut
"Overall, 'Shantaram' feels like a squandered opportunity. Lazy, clichéd writing ruins what is otherwise a well-crafted series (...) Rating: ★★★ (out of 5)" 
United States
"'Shantaram¡ is rich enough in detail that it can sustain itself even when it turns its camera away from Hunnam’s ruggedly handsome face." 
Screen Anarchy
"As a weekly experience over a period of time, its strengths as a good, if not great, dramatic series will remain. The white savior aspect, though, will never go away, leaving a residual 'yuckiness' from a cultural perspective" 
United Kingdom
The Guardian
"Not even Charlie Hunnam constantly taking his top off can save [this] (...) When a show has to promise its audience that it is about to get exciting, it's not doing a very good job of making that happen (...) Rating: ★★ (out of 5)" 
United States
The Hollywood Reporter
"A decently acted, handsomely produced, generally disjointed and insufficiently curated sprawl —not bad but far from an epic triumph" 
"A beautifully lush look at a specific era in Indian history with an indelible story about the dark and seedy side of 1980s Bombay" 
United States
"Too often on 'Shantaram,' Bombay is, first, the site of Lin’s romantic pursuits or personal growth. And it’s a city with far too many stories for that to be the one that consumes all the oxygen. 
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