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Hold Me Tight

Drama She is gone, she left husband and children… Or on the contrary.
Media Author Review
United States
The Hollywood Reporter
"Watching large chunks of this film feels like being transported into a trance-like reverie, albeit a reverie that quite often has nightmarish contours" 
United Kingdom
"Hold Me Tight achieves something quite remarkable, blurring the line between reality and imaginings to burrow into the heart of grief and loss in ways that are also life-affirming" 
United States
The Playlist
"If it pays off, it mostly does so because of the power of its lead performance (...) It’s hard not to embrace the film as a poignant meditation on the disorienting, fractured nature of loss" 
United States
"Amalric understands that it's not the tragedies we face that define us as much as the days that follow, and he's turned that understanding into one of the best films of the year (...) Rating: ★★★½ (out of 4)" 
United States
The Film Stage
"There's confidence and verve in [Amalric's] style, ample sensitivity in [his] direction— particularly with his actors" 
United States
The Wrap
"'Serre moi fort', with Amalric's alert, empathetic stewardship and Krieps' gripping portrayal, sets aside the banality of grief's burden for something more alive and elusive, but no less affecting" 
United States
"An honest and holistic vision —one that, in following each thread separately, speaks to the rupture that tragedy can bring, and our endless quest to put the pieces back together again" 
United States
Paste Magazine
"It is a true artistic accomplishment that Mathieu Amalric was able to take Galeas text... and spin it into a vivid piece with such a uniquely lush cinematic language" 
Screen Anarchy
"Krieps gives a gut-wrenching performance in a film about grieving and letting go that is more potent and heartfelt than any other film I've seen in a long time" 
United States
Los Angeles Times
"Piercing (...) Amalric, a superb actor-turned-reliably-fine filmmaker, has a deft touch with surprises" 
"With a very powerful formal gesture, Mathieu Amalric plays with temporalities and imagination to create a complex and sophisticated work" 
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