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Sunshine State

Drama The story of two women attempting to reconcile with their families and the changing landscape of their small Florida town due to country club resort developers.
Media Author Review
United States
The Washington Post
"The scenes unfold with such unhurried delicacy, and the characters are so intriguing, you can ignore the editorial bluntness and savor the smaller, sweeter details."
United States
Austin Chronicle
"The dialogue is scattered with so many beautiful gems that conversations glitter."
United States
Chicago Tribune
"Visually, even compared to Sayles' own best work, it's somewhat prosaic (...) But the screenwriting and the cast redeem this film."
United States
Chicago Sun-Times
"Sayles' film moves among a large population of characters with grace, humor and a forgiving irony."
United States
Rolling Stone
"You can feel the heat that ignites this gripping tale, and the humor and humanity that root it in feeling. Sayles knows how to use his social conscience: He lets it rip."
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