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Action DRIVEN takes viewers into the world of automobile racing with Sylvester Stallone playing a retired expert who coaches a young racer. Stallone's Joe Tanto is brought out of retirement to mentor Jimmy Blye (newcomer Kip Pardue), a rising young superstar in the racing circuit. Featuring amazing racing action and crashes, DRIVEN knows how to deliver.
Media Author Review
United States
Philadelphia Inquirer
"'Driven' is in both its script and its execution a paint-by-numbers affair."
United States
Boston Globe
"When the film predictably limps across the finish line, you're left with the impression your time would have been better spent sitting in traffic."
United States
"'Driven' is recommended only to those gentle souls who want to know what it looks like to crash into a wall at 200 mph"
United States
Chicago Reader
"May persuade you to identify not with race-car drivers but with race cars"
United States
Baltimore Sun
"A film where the first 20 minutes are repeated again and again until everything comes to an absolutely predictable end."
United States
Austin Chronicle
"It's not quite as bad as 'Cutthroat Island' I'll grant you, but it's woefully close"
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