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The Night House

Horror. Drama Reeling from the unexpected death of her husband, Beth (Rebecca Hall) is left alone in the lakeside home he built for her. She tries as best she can to keep together—but then the dreams come. Disturbing visions of a presence in the house call to her, beckoning with a ghostly allure. But the harsh light of day washes away any proof of a haunting. Against the advice of her friends, she begins digging into his belongings, yearning for ... [+]
Media Author Review
United States
"The horror on display here is so powerful, and Hall’s work is so strong, that you’re bound to come away from The Night House properly haunted." 
United States
"One of the loudest horror movies ever made (...) the film’s possessed atmosphere provides the architecture for some of the most brutal jolts in recent memory" 
United States
The Playlist
"Rebecca Hall can make us believe anything (...) [It] falls some way short of its grandest ambitions, but still sends you out into the night with a chill in your bones and the hairs stiff on the back of your neck." 
United States
"Though this tale of a new widow’s apparent haunting gets progressively lost in a narrative maze (...) Bruckner suffuses the action with enough dread and unpleasant goosings to make this an above-average genre exercise." 
United States
USA Today
"As creative as it is, the film tries way too hard to be a more mainstream version of those crazy, metaphor-laden indie art-horror pieces ('Midsommar') (...) Rating: ★★½ (out of 4)" 
United States
Bloody Disgusting
"A standout film (...) It’s moody and atmospheric, but above all, it’s scary as hell (…) Rating: ★★★½ (out of 5)" 
United States
Film School Rejects
"It’s terrifically scary and never dull, both things that far too many horror movies can’t claim, and as a crowd experience in particular it delivers in ways guaranteed to leave audiences jumping and screaming in their seats. " 
United States
AV Club
"Hall delivers a riveting performance, but this horror story is half-baked (...) there’s an unresolved quality to The Night House that drains the life from the film and leaves the viewer frustrated" 
United States
The Hollywood Reporter
"[It] has stylish craftsmanship, good performances, a nerve-rattling soundscape and some of the most terrifyingly assaultive audio jump scares in recent memory. 
United States
The New York Times
"A sensational Rebecca Hall plays a grieving widow besieged by potentially occult forces in this superior creepout." 
United States
The Washington Post
"I slept poorly after returning home from a screening of 'The Night House' (...) [It] will play you like an out-of-tune violin. It left my nerves more jangled than I can recall in a long time (...) Rating: ★★★ (out of 4)" 
United States
"The Night House may not always pay off its tension in satisfying ways, but the way it builds and holds that tension makes for a gripping experience" 
United States
"It’s a very impressive mood generator, the kind of film that wants you to be unsettled from very nearly its first frame all the way through its final one, and it mostly gets that job done (…) Rating: ★★★ (out of 4)" 
United Kingdom
"Bruckner's filmmaking is elegant (...) Although let down by muddled plotting, 'The Night House' is a low-key, well-made thoughtful horror flick, excellently played by Rebecca Hall (…) Rating: ★★★ (out of 5)" 
Screen Anarchy
"[It] hinges almost completely on Hall's central performance (...) Given the genre, it's a performance that will likely go unnoticed, but it's easily one of the best, most memorable performances of Hall's under-sung career" 
United States
The Wrap
"[It] works as an exploration of grief because of Rebecca Hall's incredible performance, plain and simple. But as a horror film, it overpromises early on and then fails to deliver on any chills that go beyond a jump scare" 
United States
"An eerie horror story starring an inspired Rebecca Hall (...) 'The Night House' is a thoughtful and earnestly scary psychological thriller-slash-ghost story" 
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