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Chemical Hearts

Romance. Drama Henry Page is a teenage student who considers himself a hopeless romantic but has never fallen in love. The young man aspires to be editor of the high school newspaper and lives happily focused on his studies to enter a good university, until young Grace Town enters his class. His new partner is not exactly the girl of his dreams, but little by little he falls in love with her when the two teenagers are chosen to edit the institute newspaper.  [+]
Media Author Review
United States
The Hollywood Reporter
"Better than its obvious themes (...) Writer and director Richard Tanne (...) takes what sounds like a terrible idea and transforms it into a sleek, well-played romance that largely makes the cliches believable. 
United States
The New York Times
"Despite the movie’s sympathy for the high stakes of Henry’s adolescence, the myopia of his point of view settles over 'Chemical Hearts' like a layer of grime" 
United Kingdom
The Guardian
"There’s some diverting material (...) But this elaborately contrived story feels as if it has been cobbled together from a dozen others, and it never escapes cliche (...) Rating: ★★ (out of 5)" 
United States
"Tanne’s melancholic, tastefully presented romance promises a more mature, impressionistic take on standard adolescent rites of passage (...) Yet for all its serious-faced surface grit, 'Chemical Hearts' never quite rings true." 
United States
"'Chemical Hearts' is a prime (and sometimes almost self-parodic) example of a cinematic alchemy that will be very familiar to a generation raised on John Green novels" 
United States
San Francisco Chronicle
"What makes 'Chemical Hearts' so good is it's unafraid of its feelings. It tackles complicated emotional issues such as depression, suicide, sex and love with a straightforward honesty." 
United States
Entertainment Weekly
"Tanne’s second film doesn’t live up to the promise of his first, lacking its texture and specificity, but still offers small insights and worthy central performances." 
United States
"It’s not as effective as the effervescently witty 500 Days of Summer, but there are times when it strives for a similar sensibility." 
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