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A Midsummer Night's Sex Comedy

Comedy Early 20th century. Three couples meet for a weekend in the country: an inventor who has created a “spirit-catching ball” and his wife, who has sex problems; a rationalist and pompous philosophy lecturer and his fiancée, much younger than him; and a doctor, a compulsive womanizer, with his latest conquest. The idyllic setting is the perfect backdrop for mixed feelings between the different members of the group.
Media Author Review
United Kingdom
"Not Woody Allen at his best, this period piece has some clever writing but is not completely convincing (…) Rating: ★★★ (out of 5)" 
United Kingdom
Radio Times
"Gordon Willis's photography is exquisite, however, and one suspects Bergman would not be displeased (…) Rating: ★★★★ (out of 5)"
United States
"There doesn't seem to be a driving idea behind it, a confident tone to give us the sure notion that Allen knows what he wants to do here (…) Rating: ★★ (out of 4)" 
United States
"A pleasant disappointment, pleasant because he gets all the laughs he goes for in a visually charming, sweetly paced picture, a disappointment because he doesn't go for more." 
United Kingdom
Time Out
"His best invention remains his own screen persona, and the Bergman borrowings here provide it with a warm, romantic and old-fashioned setting." 
United States
The New York Times
Whatever Mr. Allen is doing in constructing this pretty, slight, gently entertaining movie, he isn't doing the thing he does best (...) picturesque but uncertain" 
United States
TV Guide
"Never has Allen more obviously fallen down on the job (...) [He] is prevented by the period setting from exercising his wit on contemporary sexual mores, which have always provided one of his richest comic sources (…) Rating: ★★ (out of 4)" 
United States
Chicago Reader
"It's funny and sweet in spots, though the light moments get lost in the haze of imitation and ambitiousness." 
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