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Fantasy. Action Bounty hunters from the future transport a doomed race-car driver to 2009 New York, where his mind will be replaced with that of a dead billionaire.
Media Author Review
United States
The Hollywood Reporter
"In the hopes that audiences haven't been spoiled by "Terminator 2: Judgment Day," along comes Freejack, a technically inferior but broadly entertaining futuristic adventure."
United States
Chicago Sun-Times
"There are some wonderful special effects, but, alas, the movie bogs down with shooting, car chases and plot twists that make it a bit tiresome."
United States
Austin Chronicle
"The film is fun to watch, but you never emotionally buy into the story or its world, and when you leave the theatre, they're gone."
United States
Entertainment Weekly
"Freejack is rife with run-of-the-mill action sequences and glaring inconsistencies."
United States
"Freejack is convoluted, a meeting of bad writing and bad science fiction. And yet, taken as a whole, it's really not bad."
United States
Los Angeles Times
"The film’s premise is promising but undeveloped" 
United States
The Washington Post
"Though the action is nonstop, it's so unengaging that we might as well be watching a blank screen." 
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