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Without Remorse

Action. Drama John Clark, a former Navy SEAL turned CIA operative, goes on a path of vengeance to solve his wife's murder only to find himself inside a larger conspiracy... Based on the book by Tom Clancy.
Media Author Review
United Kingdom
The Guardian
"A by-the-numbers macho adventure (...) there’s not much real spark to it (...) Rating: ★★ (out of 5)" 
United States
"Jordan's tough but anguished performance is the best reason to see this workaday franchise launch (...) a sign of how much the Clancy worldview has faded" 
United States
ABC News
"It’s taken decades to get Clancy’s book on film and you can feel the bumps in the road (...) But it should have been better than this (…) Just make it more playful next time, please, less grim and perfunctory" 
United States
"Despite endless gunfire and a lot of shit blowing up, most of the action sequences fail to quicken the pulse (...) Rating: ★½ (out of 4)" 
United States
The Hollywood Reporter
"The result is a solid entry in the Clancy screen canon (...) It doesn't reinvent the genre, but nor does it try to fix what's not broken, which should work just fine for Clancy's legions of readers." 
United States
Entertainment Weekly
"A bloody, too-familiar litany of Cold War intrigue and pulp-paperback cliché." 
United States
The Wrap
"It’s a movie that goes out of its way to be blandly competent (...) Jordan brings a much needed dose of humanity to a story that’s otherwise thuddingly familiar." 
United States
"It’s a movie locked in a tedious custody battle between legacy and potential, too safe to whet appetites for what’s to come while also too sequel-oriented to stand on its own two legs." 
United States
Den of Geek
"Luckily, even at its most cliché, 'Without Remorse' does have a lot going for it whenever Jordan gets unleashed by the script (…) Rating: ★★★½ (out of 5)" 
United States
AV Club
"Without Remorse wastes Michael B. Jordan’s star power" 
United States
Common Sense Media
"Phenomenal action sequences with enormous set pieces will take your breath away, but this book-based thriller suffers on the story front." 
United States
New York Post
"I watched it. I have remorse (...) An overly familiar revenge film that bears no resemblance to the original novel (...) Even with a star as charismatic and physically formidable as Jordan, audiences won’t be hungry for a single sequel (…) Rating: ★★ (out of 4)" 
United Kingdom
"The action is sharp and imaginative, and Jordan strongly establishes his action-flick credentials. But story-wise it’s all very familiar and more than a little dour (…) Rating: ★★★ (out of 5)" 
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