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Genres and Topics

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46 / 88
Topic movies order by ratcount
Results with the topic "The Falklands War" Topic movies order by ratcount. Documentaries are excluded
  • Ratings:
    Tumba sin nombre (AKA La tumba sin nombre) (S) (S)
    Abril (S) (S)
    Una tarde en la vida de dos niños kelpers (S) (S)
    Fragmentos (S) (S)
    Un juego del silencio (S)
  • Ratings:
    En la colonia (S) (S)
    Los intrusos (S) (S)
    Entrevista (S) (S)
    Prohibido olvidar (AKA Prohibido el olvido) (S) (S)
    CP 9409 (AKA C.P. 9409) (S) (S)
  • Ratings:
    Cartas a Malvinas
    Por derecho (S) (S)
    The Falklands Play (TV)
    Mal vino (S)
    Pozo de zorro
  • Ratings:
    1982, estuvimos ahí
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Topics are sub-genres and/or themes of any kind (romantic comedy, buddy, sports, etc.) that describe the plot of the movie you are looking for. Topics, however, are not keywords. If you search for a topic like "shark", for example, only movies in which sharks play a significant roll will appear, such as 'Jaws'. But not every movie that has a shark in it will be listed.
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