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Bully. Coward. Victim. The Story of Roy Cohn

Documentary This documentary takes an unflinching look at the life and death of infamous attorney Roy Cohn, who first gained prominence by prosecuting Julius and Ethel Rosenberg in what came to be known as the “atomic spies” case. Director Ivy Meeropol brings a unique perspective as the granddaughter of Julius and Ethel Rosenberg; having spent much of her life feeling both repelled and fascinated by the man who prosecuted her grandparents, obtained ... [+]
Media Author Review
United States
"[It] isn’t as authoritative a chronicle as 'Where’s My Roy Cohn?,' but in its loosely anecdotal way it may bring us a notch or two closer to who Roy Cohn was." 
United States
"Cohn sent Ivy Meeropol's grandparents to the electric chair, but the documentary she's made about him is frustratingly anonymous (...) Meeropol has more to say than Cohn ever did, but it’s a shame that she doesn’t say it here." 
United States
The Hollywood Reporter
"Despite its structural flaws, the documentary nonetheless frequently proves compelling. After all, how could it not, considering the malevolent but undeniably charismatic figure at its center?" 
United States
The Wrap
"[The director] tries to cram in an excess of information, allowing her subject to elude her (...) This is shaky from the start" 
United States
The Daily Dot
"Cohn’s life and all of its complexities are on full display (…) Rating: ★★★ (out of 5)" 
United States
The New York Times
"Cohn was a paradox, and so is this documentary — a brisk, entertaining, quite full primer that nevertheless feels like it missed an opportunity for a unique angle or approach" 
United States
"Inevitably, consumers of previous Cohn projects will note a degree of repetition here. Yet Meeropol's personal angle brings a slightly fresh spin to her subject" 
United States
"[It] covers much of the same ground as Matt Tyrnauer’s equally essential documentary, 'Where’s My Roy Cohn?' (...) but what sets it apart is the fact that it was directed by the Rosenbergs’ granddaughter, Ivy Meeropol (…) Rating: ★★★½ (out of 4)" 
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