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The Whole Ten Yards

Comedy. Thriller Retired hitman Jimmy "The Tulip" Tudeski (BRUCE WILLIS) is living the quiet life in a beachfront bungalow in Mexico, miles away from his former life. Thanks to falsified dental records supplied by onetime neighbor and friend Nicholas "Oz" Oseransky, D.D.S. (MATTHEW PERRY), Jimmy faked his own death and has taken up a new line of work befitting his newfound domestic tranquility: cleaning the house and perfecting his culinary skills with ... [+]
Media Author Review
United States
Chicago Tribune
"A big, empty picture full of star turns, artificial energy and jokes that don't quite work"
The Globe and Mail
"The obvious problem with 'The Whole Ten Yards' is that it begins with the wrong kidnapping. Instead of taking Oz's wife, the criminals should have grabbed the authors of the original movie"
United States
Philadelphia Inquirer
"Where the first pic breezed along with gags and gunplay, this forced follow-up is artificial to the hilt - fueled on a kind of trying-too-hard hilarity that makes even good actors look bad"
United States
The New York Times
"At least it isn't a remake -- though given how slovenly and forced this movie is, maybe that wouldn't have been such a bad idea." 
United States
New York Daily News
"The funny thing about this unfunny movie is that the cast is brimming with actors who are usually quite engaging."
United States
Boston Globe
"Not as desperate, unfunny, and nonsensical as its title. It's worse. Worse than you can imagine" 
United States
LA Weekly
"Miserably unfunny, wholly unnecessary affair."
United States
New York Post
"Bereft of inspiration, the agonizingly witless screenplay resorts to pathetic cheap jokes about flatulence and impotence"
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