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Shadow Conspiracy

Mystery A special assistant to the U.S. President, Bobby Bishop (Charlie Sheen), accidentally meets his friend who reveals a conspiracy in the White House before he is killed by an assassin. Now Bobby must avoid being killed for what he knows, and stop the conspirators from achieving their goal. To make matters worse, he doesn't know who the conspirators are, so who can he trust?
Media Author Review
United States
Chicago Sun-Times
"A simple-minded thriller (...) There isn't a brain in its empty little head, or in its assembly-line story (...) Rating: ★ (out of four)." 
United States
The New York Times
"The film is so contemptuous of its audience it doesn't even bother to present a surface resemblance to reality."
United States
Chicago Reader
"Bland, interminable chase scenes take up so much of the story -- the hackneyed plot doesn't need much exposition -- that the sheer repetitiveness begins to amaze you." 
United States
"The climactic assassination attempt... is so ridiculous there's only one real danger: that the president (and the audience) will laugh to death."
United Kingdom
Time Out
"Sadly, Sheen doesn't even look profound. Like a zombie who's spent too much time in the gym, he blunders heavily from one stunt to the next, his pursed lips conveying nothing more than pique."
United States
The Washington Post
"When Charlie Sheen and Donald Sutherland appear in any movie, you should be wary. Their contracts seem to demand nothing but corny formula." 
United States
Reel Film
"A somewhat sluggish thriller that never becomes quite as engrossing or enthralling as one might’ve hoped..." 
United States
Time Out
"Corpses pile up, dreadful secrets are uncovered, and Bishop eventually gets to the bottom of things, a full hour after the least attentive viewer will have figured out who's behind it all."
United States
San Francisco Chronicle
"The plot, as it eventually unfolds, is so absurd and leads to such a silly climax that much of the audience's good will is burned away." 
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