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The Black Hole

Sci-Fi. Adventure. Action The crew of the spaceship Palamino stumbles across the ''lost'' ship U.S.S. Cygnus, hovering on the edge of an immense black hole. Once aboard, they find the ship is manned by robots - it's only human inhabitant, one Dr. Hans Reinhardt; an eminent scientist, missing for the past twenty years. His plan - to enter the Black Hole . . . Whether Dr. Reinhardt is a genius or a mad-man, one thing is for sure, he will not be denied his life's ... [+]
Media Author Review
United States
"What ensues is sometimes talky but never dull. Director Gary Nelson’s pacing and visual sense are right on target." 
United Kingdom
"A pretty craven attempt by Disney to cash-in on Star Wars blockbusting success, this lightweight but well-written sci-fi adventure movie is well pitched at the very young. (...) Rating: ★★★ (out of 5)" 
United States
The New York Times
"'The Black Hole' is attractively unpretentious and at times quite snappy." 
United States
"The magic of Peter Ellenshaw's production designs disarms the critical mind: the child in me had a dandy time"
United States
The Washington Post
"Despite its obviously derivative elements and lack of flair in certain areas, notably writing and casting, the movie is at worst an entertaining redundancy"
The Globe and Mail
"'The Black Hole' isn't mediocre or even bad - it's dreadful...[It] looks, sounds and feels like a careless, cynically manufactured B-movie. Uncle Walt must be spinning in his cryogenic vault"
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