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Oscar and Lucinda

Drama In mid-1800's England, Oscar is a young Anglican priest, a misfit and an outcast, but with the soul of an angel. As a boy, even though from a strict Pentecostal family, he felt God told him through a sign to leave his father and his faith and join the Church of England. Lucinda is a teen-aged Australian heiress who has an almost desperate desire to liberate her sex from the confines of the male-dominated culture of the Australia of that ... [+]
Media Author Review
United States
Austin Chronicle
"Keeping with the spirit of its lead characters, 'Oscar and Lucinda' is a movie best met with a gambler's faith: You may not be certain what it means in the end, but its magnificent payoff is nevertheless a sure thing" 
United States
"Despite some obvious overplotting, Oscar and Lucinda is a mostly effective and often affecting motion picture that touches our hearts while daring our minds to balk at its implausible coincidences"
United States
Entertainment Weekly
"It exchanges the narrative fluidity of the page for visual composition of such strong beauty that the slowness of the storytelling becomes its own eccentric strength"
United States
"A truly poetic movie whose physical production is just as impressive as its spiritual aspirations." 
United States
The Washington Post
"A beautiful but annoying Victorian-era melodrama"
United States
AV Club
"It accumulates weight as it goes along, ultimately becoming as thoughtful and emotionally involving as it is beautiful to behold"
The Globe and Mail
"A unique romance that has a sparrow's frail beauty"
United States
New York Daily News
"Armstrong is usually a strong and original director of actors. But here, her taste seems to have deserted her"
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