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Legal Eagles

Comedy. Romance. Mystery Robert Redford, usually a pretty good judge of material, got snookered badly in Legal Eagles, an Ivan Reitman comedy which also stars Debra Winger and Daryl Hannah. Redford is a rising assistant D.A. who is prosecuting a woman (Hannah) for theft of a painting by her father. Before he knows what's hit him, he's involved romantically both with the defendant and with her scattered lawyer (Winger).
Media Author Review
United States
Chicago Sun-Times
"The movie has so much stuff in it, it's top-heavy. The wonder is that so many scenes play as well as they do. (…) Rating: ★★½ (out of 4)" 
United States
Miami Herald
"In a movie world jam-packed with teen-agers and computers and fantastic beings, it's refreshing to encounter a film that finds its laughs in the warmth and absurdities of adult interaction."
United States
Chicago Tribune
"Novie lovers will want more of Winger and more Redford, both separately and together. If they had more scenes, their romance might seem more credible" 
United States
"Loss of intrigue with a scattered plot involving art fraud and murder is made up for by an often witty, albeit lightweight dialog" 
United States
The New York Times
"Though publicized as a breakthrough into adult comedy for Mr. Reitman, this new film is less a true adult comedy than a teen-age comedy populated by adults who are functioning in an adult world" 
United States
The New Yorker
"It's all plot, and the plot is all holes; it's not just that it doesn't add up right - most of the episodes don't quite make sense."
United Kingdom
"The likeable veneer of the film never threatens to evaporate, which is both a good and a bad thing; the comedy is plentiful but the dark laughs are never quite dark enough, given the subject matter" 
United Kingdom
"While the picture falls well short of the Spencer Tracy-Katharine Hepburn comedies it seeks to emulate, it's slick and good-looking enough to while away a few undemanding hours" 
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