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Drama. Comedy Warren Beatty usually has the easiest casting decisions -- he just casts himself. Here he directs himself playing a seriously depressed U.S. Senator who takes a contract out on his own life. With his death impending, he starts to shoot from the lip, saying all the politically suicidal things he's always wanted to say but couldn't until he'd decided to literally commit suicide. But then a young woman falls into his life -- Halle Berry -- ... [+]
Media Author Review
United States
"Beatty has fashioned a hilarious morality tale that delivers a surprisingly potent, angry message beneath the laughs" 
United States
Chicago Reader
"Warren Beatty sounds off angrily and shrewdly about politics, delivering what is possibly his best film and certainly his funniest and livliest."
United States
"An uncommonly smart, sharp and irreverent American picture"
United States
New York Daily News
"A brilliant and astounding black comedy"
United States
The Washington Post
"It's daring, deliberately offensive and, for a comedy, it has far more ideas in it than actual laughs." 
United States
Los Angeles Times
"Frequently awkward, peppered with moments that make you shake your head, 'Bulworth's' singular nature makes it a film that can't be shrugged off."
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