* Moby Dick
12 movies
2010: Moby Dick
Moby Dick (TV Miniseries)
Captain Ahab
* Tange Sazen
3 movies
Sazen Tange and the Pot Worth a Million Ryo
Tange Sazen: Mysterious Sword
The Secret of the Urn
* El ingenioso hidalgo don Quijote de la Mancha
1 movie
Don Kihot (S)
* Chûshingura
6 movies
The Last Chusingura
Kon Ichikawa's 47 Ronin
Crest of Betrayal
47 Ronin
* Ciclo-ciclo
no movies
* Ciclo-ciclo
no movies
Filmografías completadas:
no movies
* Suwa, Nobuhiro
6 movies
Yuki & Nina
Paris, je t'aime
A Perfect Couple
H Story
* Yamanaka, Sadao
3 movies
Humanity and Paper Balloons
Priest of Darkness
Sazen Tange and the Pot Worth a Million Ryo
* Peckinpah, Sam
14 movies
The Osterman Weekend
Cross of Iron
The Killer Elite
* Bresson, Robert
13 movies
L'Argent (Money)
The Devil, Probably
Lancelot of the Lake
Four Nights of a Dreamer
* Kubrick, Stanley
13 movies
Eyes Wide Shut
Full Metal Jacket
The Shining
Barry Lyndon
* Vigo, Jean
4 movies
Zero for Conduct (Zero De Conduite)
Taris (S)
À propos de Nice (S)
* Chaplin, Charles (largometrajes)
11 movies
A Countess from Hong Kong
A King in New York
Monsieur Verdoux
* Clayton, Jack
7 movies
The Lonely Passion of Judith Hearne
Something Wicked This Way Comes
The Great Gatsby
Our Mother's House
* Antonioni, Michelangelo (excluyendo documental)
18 movies
Lo sguardo di Michelangelo (S) (S)
The Dangerous Thread of Things
Beyond the Clouds
Identification of a Woman
* Melville, Jean-Pierre
14 movies
Dirty Money (Un flic)
The Red Circle
Army of Shadows
The Samurai
* Favio, Leonardo (excluyendo documental)
9 movies
Gatica, el mono
To Dream, to Dream
Nazareno Cruz and the Wolf
* Tarkovsky, Andrei
8 movies
The Sacrifice
Voyage in Time (TV)
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