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Horror HOSTEL tells the story of two American college buddies Paxton and Josh who backpack through Europe eager to make hazy travel memories with new friend Oli, an Icelander they’ve met along the way. Paxton, Josh, and Oli are eventually lured by a fellow traveler to what’s described as a nirvana for American backpackers – a particular hostel in an out-of-the-way Slovakian town stocked with Eastern European women as desperate as they are ... [+]
Media Author Review
United States
New York Post
"What kind of hellspawn might result if 'Saw' bought a copy of 'Let's Go: Europe' and went backpacking across Europe to have a one-night stand with Dracula? Something like 'Hostel'"
United States
The Hollywood Reporter
"Eli Roth turns to modern-day Asian fright filmmakers as inspiration for his latest blood-soaked effort while demonstrating an intriguing, original voice of his own"
United States
AV Club
"Roth gets the notes right while missing the music: He studiously replicates Miike's unblinking depiction of torture, but without much reflection or wit."
United States
"A thrill-less thriller that uses gore to obfuscate its inability to generate tension"
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