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Stephanie Daley

Drama. Mystery Pregnant forensic psychologist Lydie Crane (Tilda Swinton) is hired to learn the truth behind the case of 16-year-old Stephanie Daley (Amber Tamblyn), who is accused of concealing her pregnancy and murdering her infant.
Media Author Review
United States
"With a calmness that bespeaks confidence, this small, spellbinding second feature by Hilary Brougher brings together two women, trapped in separate states of denial and distress, who manage to end each other's entrapment." 
United States
Los Angeles Times
"Brougher has taken material that sounds contrived and potentially exploitative and used her gift for careful observation and restrained emotionality to give it surprising authenticity."
United States
The New York Times
"Without standing on a soapbox Stephanie Daley suggests a tragic gender gap between men who judge and women who feel."
United States
New York Post
"The movie amounts to an extended short story that progresses slowly and fades away with key questions unanswered. Ambiguity isn't necessarily interesting."
United States
LA Weekly
"There is so much to admire and empathize with in Stephanie Daley that it feels almost boorish to quibble about whether the film needs to come packaged as a murder mystery."
United States
USA Today
"The film itself is dark and chilling, if occasionally plodding, but worth seeing for the absorbing potency of its main performances."
United States
Chicago Tribune
"A stark, painful drama about pregnancy--a subject rarely treated this fully, candidly or tragically."
United States
"A taut, provocative, sometimes overreaching but always absorbing thriller."
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