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War. Drama A pair of U.S. Navy fighter pilots risk their lives during the Korean War and become some of the Navy's most celebrated wingmen.
Media Author Review
United Kingdom
The Guardian
"This polished double biopic distinguishes itself with a solemnity and stillness in the moments between missions (...) The film compensates for relatively middling action set pieces with a stolid maturity (...) Rating: ★★★ (out of 5)" 
United States
"A square but satisfying social justice drama set against the backdrop of the Korean War, 'Devotion' impressed" 
United States
"Honoring legacies is what 'Devotion' does best of all (...) To see how that effort has continued through the generations and onto movie screens is deeply touching, even when the movie itself is not. 
United States
The Playlist
"With his star power and Dillard’s emotionally intelligent script, 'Devotion' is a cut above the usual Hollywood biopic" 
United States
The Hollywood Reporter
"A hollow shell of bland, beaten-down war movie tropes that leave Jonathan Majors to effectively fend for himself." 
United States
Vanity Fair
"['Devotion']'s contours remain fairly conventional and, plot-wise, unsurprising; you need a great actor to sell such a tough, complex portrait within that. Fortunately, Majors works wonders with genre" 
Screen Rant
"With a heart-pounding score (...) Stylized and cultured, it soars when least expected and is brought to life by its talented ensemble cast (...) Rating: ★★★½ (out of 5)" 
United States
"I'm convinced that whatever Dillard does next will be worth seeing. But his 'Devotion' never manages to get off the ground. It's not a bad movie, mind you. It just could've been something better" 
"Glen Powell and Jonathan Majors are both exceptional, and J.D. Dillard has done an excellent job making a suitably epic war flick that should earn a lot of respect from the same audience that made 'Top Gun: Maverick' a hit" 
United States
Chicago Sun-Times
"In many ways, framing [this man's] heroics beside a white wingman undermines the singularity of Brown. Even the film's poster gives a false equivalency. This hero didn't need any help (...) Rating: ★★ (out of 4)" 
United States
"An earnest and sometimes stirring aerial war epic that may not quite soar to those heights (what could?)" 
United States
Los Angeles Times
"An emotional and fitting tribute to the real men behind an incredible true story" 
United States
Paste Magazine
"It makes good use of its two leads (...) However, the end result feels morally simple and dramatically blah" 
United States
"Between Dillard’s thoughtful direction, the shocking clarity of Messerschmidt’s cinematography, a rousing soundscape, and the tight editing, it’s a riveting drama ready to give even the best aerial war story a run for its money" 
United States
"It plays like a Navy recruitment ad (...) Rating: ★★ (out of 5)" 
United States
"While 'Devotion' may not look to reinvent the genre, it does carve out its own space in this year’s impressive slate of war films" 
United States
The Wrap
"Whenever that camera is on Majors, whenever the planes soar through the deadly sky, and whenever that score crescendos, J.D. Dillard’s film comes pretty close to greatness. If only the rest of the movie didn’t get in the way" 
United States
"Dillard manages to balance the several concerns of anti-racism movies with the heroism of Brown without succumbing to maudlin, craven techniques (...) Rating: ★★★½ (out of 4)" 
United States
AV Club
"[It] admirably tries to tell the story of a heroic man (...) However, in its attempts to show heroism and fortitude, it misses the complexity that must have influenced someone who was able to rise so high" 
United States
Austin Chronicle
"Their dynamic helps to lift a film that can otherwise be stiflingly prosaic (...) Rating: ★★★ (out of 5)" 
United Kingdom
"With plenty of heart and soul, it is an emotional spectacle, packed with soaring highs and gut-wrenching potency. It's another compelling performance for Majors' increasingly impressive resume (...) Rating: ★★★★ (out of 5)" 
United States
The Film Stage
"Jonathan Majors shines in entertaining, inspiring aviation drama" 
United States
"J.D. Dillard’s poignant aviation drama establishes its own unique tone soon" 
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