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The Interpreter

Mystery. Thriller. Drama In this suspense thriller Ms. Kidman plays a United Nations interpreter who overhears a death threat against an African head of state about to address the General Assembly, and Mr. Penn plays a federal agent assigned to protect her while harboring suspicions about her ideals and motives.
Media Author Review
United States
"[It] is coolly absorbing without being pulse-quickening. The film is plot-heavy and superficially suffers from a lack of chemistry between Nicole Kidman and Sean Penn." 
United States
"A taut and intelligent thriller (...) The movie has a realism of tone (…) Rating: ★★★ (out of 4)" 
United States
The New York Times
"[It] is conventionally described as a political thriller, but 'The Interpreter' is as apolitical as it is unthrilling" 
United Kingdom
"This is a dense, intricate story (...) Where the film snags is in melding both its thriller framework and political philosophy (...) Solid, mature and finely acted, but intermittently daft (…) Rating: ★★★ (out of 5)" 
United Kingdom
"A polished and preposterous thriller, 'The Interpreter' offers two excellent actors a chance to show off, but it's not half as important as it thinks it is (…) Rating: ★★★ (out of 5)" 
United States
The Washington Post
"[It] gets more and more complex until it's almost laughable; it has too many beats, too many reverses, and in the end seems unbelievable." 
United States
The Hollywood Reporter
"Thrillers don't get much smarter than 'The Interpreter'"
United States
Rolling Stone
"'The Interpreter' bristles with the smart, steadily engrossing tension that marked such 1970s goodies as 'All the President's Men', 'The Parallax View' and Pollack's own 'Three Days of the Condor' (…) Rating: ★★★ (out of 4)" 
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