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Black Adam

Action. Fantasy. Sci-Fi. Comedy Nearly 5,000 years after he was bestowed with the almighty powers of the Egyptian gods, Black Adam (Johnson) is freed from his earthly tomb, ready to unleash his unique form of justice on the modern world.
Media Author Review
United States
The Hollywood Reporter
"Johnson creates a magnetic antihero, volatile and antisocial (...) And this passion project serves the character well, setting him up for adventures one hopes will be less predictable than this one" 
United States
"The surprisingly serious-minded project deprives Johnson of his greatest superpower — his sense of humor — while giving the now-straight-faced star a chance to play a character with some interesting contradictions" 
United States
Rolling Stone
"Not even the pleasure of watching Johnson enter into a blockbuster template he seemed destined to dominate can make up for how generic, flavorless and incoherent this is" 
United Kingdom
"Big, dumb and only mostly fun, this doesn’t always find the right tone to marry action and charm, but Johnson’s remote and ruthless superhero is a welcome change from the norm (…) Rating: ★★★ (out of 5)" 
United States
"Collet-Serra knows how to present this darkness and antihero in a way that’s effective, while also fleshing out one of the most promising additions to DC’s ever-expanding cadre of characters" 
United States
The Washington Post
"[It] proceeds with predictable action sequences, tiresome fight scenes and the now-requisite sacrifice of a major character. But it’s that seasoning of radical politics (...) that gives it a bit of spice" 
United States
New York Post
"The Rock can’t save another terrible DC movie (...) Rating: ★ (out of 4)" 
United Kingdom
"[It] too often succumbs to the conventions of its genre (...) but some compelling performances and director Jaume Collet-Serra’s ebullient B-movie flourishes prove to be sufficient compensation" 
United States
The Playlist
"A joyless, glacially paced compendium of interchangeable scenes of people floating around in their goofy masks and capes, tossing clichéd dialogue and CG lightning bolts, and punching each other into buildings" 
United Kingdom
"As whizzy as it is forgettable (...) Rating: ★★★ (out of 5)" 
United States
"[It] features a protagonist of almost unlimited power, which only makes its puny script more conspicuous" 
United Kingdom
The Guardian
"Johnson is well placed to realise the superhero movie’s potential as surrealist action comedy. It’s a shame that all these other DC-ensemble heroes are frankly not really in his class (...) Rating: ★★★ (out of 5)" 
United States
"The problem isn’t that Johnson can’t act — he definitely can! — the problem is that he doesn’t want to. He still wants the simple idolatry that a kid might have for their favorite athlete" 
United States
The Wrap
"Despite its efforts to tweak the tropes, this is a muddled, overstuffed origin story" 
United States
Vanity Fair
"Johnson is one of the most charismatic personalities in mainstream entertainment (...) It is therefore regrettable to report that the movie is not particularly good" 
United States
"It overindulges to the point where it’s hard to enjoy the DC anti-hero’s debut. It’s packed with undeveloped characters and an excessive number of repetitive action scenes" 
United States
"The film has the courage of its convictions, suggesting that violence on behalf of an oppressed people isn’t only justifiable but even moral (...) Rating: ★★½ (out of 4)" 
Screen Rant
"Though suffering from repetitive plot beats and thin characters, 'Black Adam' is powered by Johnson's performance and its promise of an exciting future (...) Rating: ★★½ (out of 5)" 
United Kingdom
"Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson’s superhero debut is a dud (...) Rating: ★★ (out of 5)" 
United States
"The visual spectacle just keeps coming at you for two hours, and the effects are all so stupendous (...) and Collet-Serra takes good care to present the star in the most favorable dramatic light" 
United States
AV Club
"There’s a good movie, at times, a really good movie, hiding out in all the soulless clutter of 'Black Adam’s' plot. Unfortunately, all the considerable talents here struggle to deliver it" 
United States
Ready Steady Cut
"It was a bold choice to make a film about the character Black Adam, but the script was run down through the studio machine, and the result is a superhero film with a stunning lack of purpose (...) Rating: ★★ (out of 5)" 
United States
Los Angeles Times
"While it does feel cobbled together out of spare parts of other superhero movies, and it’s almost instantly forgettable, Collet-Serra manages to hold it all together out of sheer force of will and an inherent sense of style" 
United States
"[It] is just like the many other mediocre superhero movies it plays at subverting: It’s more focused on spectacle than on critiquing the genre, or developing any of the deeper themes it feints at exploring" 
Screen Anarchy
"As Black Adam, Johnson makes for a formidable presence (...) but presence and commitment alone aren’t enough when the script feels like it’s been cobbled together from four or five different draft" 
"It is a giant scaled action flick, with Jaume Collet-Serra doing a good job on the action scenes (...) But, too often, the movie feels like a Marvel wannabe" 
United States
Austin Chronicle
"A shadowy version of Superman (...) Rating: ★½ (out of 5)" 
United States
"[It] is so hard to watch, it might make us want to skip the pretense that these are meant to be real movies (...) Rating: ★★★½ (out of 10)" 
United States
"The Rock’s charisma hemmed in, a parade of bland DC B-leaguers, fizzling comedy, heaping cartloads of questionable CGI and action sequences designed not to thrill but to mercilessly barrage the senses" 
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